United, We Can
Building a strong community where all people can thrive depends on your generous support.
FORT MITCHELL, Ky. (May 15, 2021) – For first-generation college students from under-resourced families, the challenges extend beyond paying for books, tuition and fees. Such students may be uncertain about how to navigate the system. They may doubt whether they can be successful. They need support that differs from that of students whose parents have earned a degree.
On June 16, United Way of Greater Cincinnati’s Northern Kentucky Area Center invites community members and corporate partners to support first-generation college students by creating College Success Kits. The event is among many around the world being held on or around June 21, United Way’s Day of Action. The project aligns with United Way’s efforts to prioritize quality education, an important tool in ensuring financial well-being for families.
College Success Kits will be distributed to 136 Northern Kentucky students for the 2021-2022 school year. Kit recipients will be identified by Northern Kentucky school districts and these community agencies: Covington Partners; NaviGo; Esperanza Latino Center of NKY; and Education, Empowerment and Respect (EER).
Volunteers are being sought to donate dorm room essentials and other items—ranging from desk and school supplies to toiletries and cleaning products—and to assist in assembling the kits.
Items are available for purchase through an Amazon Registry (will open in a new window).
- Purchase and Assemble – Individuals and families can purchase supplies from the registry list by June 1. Then join us on June 16 at United Way to assemble the kits.
- Purchase Only – Donate items and UWGC will enlist volunteers to assemble them.
- Group Purchase and Assemble – Workplaces, community and faith groups are encouraged to purchase items in bulk and join us as a group service project on June 16.
- Sponsorship – Support our students and sponsor the kits by donating funds to be used to purchase additional needed supplies for the students. Individual sponsorships start at $200 and corporate sponsorships at $5,000.
On June 16, UWGC will host an outdoor assembly event at its Northern Kentucky office, 2120 Chamber Center Drive, Fort Mitchell. For more information, contact Kaeli Erskine, (859) 647-5517 or [email protected].