We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
To call, DIAL 211 or (513) 721-7900or 1-800-233-4357 to speak to a trained professional who can connect you to essential community services — a gateway to help.
Our 211 team will listen, engage, ask questions, assess your needs and connect you to community resources within our large database of local providers.
United Way 211 helps you find and access many community resources, including:
Basic Needs
Food, clothing, transportation, community meals, housing, child care and baby supplies (food, diapers, etc.)
Housing Assistance
Tenant rights, public housing, rent assistance, home repairs, homelessness, care shelters (domestic violence, youth, elderly, homeless, women, families), senior housing and housing complaints
Mental Health Services
Support groups, therapy referrals, care providers, family counseling, counseling providers, adult and child behavioral health programs and support, bereavement and grief support, identifying mental health support providers, psychiatric support services and specialized support hotlines
Utility Bills
Electric/power, gas, heat, sewer, water, telecommunications (including internet access) and more
Employment Services
Job training, career fairs, continuing education, employment agencies, general employment resources and career counseling services
To request contact from a trained 211 team member, fill out our intake form.