United, We Can
Building a strong community where all people can thrive depends on your generous support.
CINCINNATI, Ohio (June 29, 2021) — United Way of Greater Cincinnati Southeast Indiana will grant area nonprofits $161,703 to help meet basic needs brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is the second time UWGC Southeast Indiana received a COVID-19 Economic Relief Initiative grant from Indiana United Ways, the state professional association that counts UWGC Southeast Indiana as a member. The latest grant is one of 47 that Indiana United Ways is making to member organizations and community foundations through the relief initiative, which was made possible with funding from Lilly Endowment Inc.
UWGC Southeast Indiana plans to target the grant money to local nonprofits helping families gain access to quality and affordable child care, as well as nonprofits providing social and emotional support for families, caregivers and students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Beginning mid-summer, UWGC Southeast Indiana will begin accepting funding requests from local social service nonprofits. This round of funding will be invitation only.
United Way of Greater Cincinnati Southeast Indiana envisions a region that is a vital, caring community where all children are educated and prepared to succeed, all people are financially stable with maximum health and independence, and all neighborhoods are vibrant, inviting places to live, said Karen Snyder, area center director.
For decades, United Way has been a key convener and coordinator of the Southeast Indiana community’s response to meet needs related to education, health and financial stability. Even before the COVID crisis, nearly one-quarter of working families in Southeast Indiana were unable to make ends meet. Those needs became even more dire because of COVID.
In April 2020, Lilly Endowment helped Indiana United Ways establish the COVID-19 Economic Relief Initiative with an initial $30 million grant. UWGC Southeast Indiana received $300,000, which was distributed to 15 nonprofits in two rounds of funding. Since March 2020, Lilly Endowment has made grants totaling more than $210 million to organizations responding to the pandemic in Indiana and across the nation.
Download the press release here (.PDF).
About Indiana United Ways
The state professional association for United Ways in Indiana supports a thriving United Way system through capacity building, shared services and network collaboration opportunities. For more information, contact Tonja Stokes, vice president of organizational development, [email protected].
About Lilly Endowment Inc.
The Indianapolis-based private philanthropic foundation supports the causes of religion, education and community development, with a special commitment to Indianapolis and the state of Indiana. For more information, contact Judith Cebula, Communications Director, at [email protected].