Volunteer for Unite for Teen Financial Literacy
Would you like to help teenagers learn about money management? Sign up to volunteer today!
CINCINNATI, Ohio (April 18, 2022) — Chris Adams was among 80 volunteers who shared personal finance lessons during the seventh annual Unite for Teen Financial Literacy event on March 8. “Learning about money and how to handle it at a young age is vital,” the Executive Director of Stepping Stones said, a sentiment no doubt shared by all the volunteers.
Indeed, such knowledge “gives students the tools to make sound financial decisions for a lifetime,” said another volunteer, Lakisha Higgins, Education and Museum Outreach Coordinator for the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
Unite for Teen Financial Literacy is a joint project of United Way of Greater Cincinnati and Junior Achievement. Volunteers explained financial basics — including the importance of planning and staying within a budget — to more than 2,000 Cincinnati Public Schools seventh-graders in 70 classrooms.
“At the Cleveland Fed, we welcome the opportunity to work with young people throughout the region on the importance of making smart financial decisions — everything from budgeting to retirement savings,” said Higgins, who presented to Shroder Middle School students. “Thanks to United Way for giving us the opportunity to help improve financial literacy among our local students.”
The project aligns with United Way’s mission of helping every family and individual in the region achieve economic well-being. Ensuring young people have a variety of financial educational opportunities throughout life helps them build financial knowledge, skills, and habits – all important steps on a young person’s path to economic well-being as an adult.
“This initiative helps to teach important financial savings strategies, but also is an opportunity for (students) to see options for future careers within the financial industry,” said Jodi Sansone, a vice president at First Financial Bank who participated in the program for the first time.
Greg Adams, Cost Engineering Director, Global Grooming at Procter & Gamble, also was a first-time volunteer for the event. He said he welcomed the chance to make a difference in young people’s lives. “Many youth likely have never had a parent or mentor talk with them about finances because it is not always an easy topic or they feel ill-equipped,” he noted.
“The majority of students actively participated within each class,” Sansone said. “Overall, they seemed excited about the materials, and a few had thought-provoking, relevant questions and mature observations. I enjoyed this opportunity so much, and I know other business partners of mine did as well.”