United, We Can
Building a strong community where all people can thrive depends on your generous support.
GREENDALE, Ind. (August 2, 2021) – Are you interested in trying new activities? Learning new skills? Reducing stress? Increasing your self-confidence? Stimulating your mind? Bolstering your sense of purpose? Making new friends? Having fun?
Those are among the many possible benefits that come with volunteering. And, when volunteering with United Way, you’ll be making your community a better place.
UWGC Southeast Indiana is gauging the interests of potential volunteers for yet-to-be-determined projects in Dearborn and Ohio counties.
The idea is to connect people with volunteer activities that best match their interests, said Karen Snyder, director of UWGC Southeast Indiana. People often want to volunteer but they’re not sure what is available or how to sign up, she said.
Before UWGC Southeast Indiana creates and organizes local volunteer opportunities, it’s asking residents what type of volunteer activity they are most interested in:
- Hands-on (being on the front lines, such as working at an event or with a United Way partner agency.
- Behind the scenes (helping with tasks such as paperwork or planning).
- Volunteering from home or office (such as sponsoring an event, purchasing items for drives or helping with planning).
- Do you prefer an ongoing volunteer opportunity? Or a one-day event?
People interested in volunteering can contact United Way’s Jill Ruther at [email protected], or call (812) 537-2009.