Image of United Way CARES Kits volunteers wearing Live United shirts.

Find Volunteers

Need assistance recruiting volunteers for your organization? and these additional resources will set you up with some quick-wins.

Looking for volunteer help?

United Way of Greater Cincinnati can help your organization find the volunteers you need. It's as easy as registering for help!

Our VolunteerMatch database at connects you with groups and individuals of all ages and skill levels who want to volunteer. This resource is available to any nonprofit, school, government entity, or health facility.

Create a new account or log in to add listings, and as individuals sign up, you'll receive an email with their contact information.

What are you waiting for?

Take the first step in getting the people-powered help your organization needs today and see what it means to LIVE UNITED®!

Tips for Writing a successful volunteer listing

  • Tell them WHAT | Explain what volunteers will do—but just enough to understand their role, and be sure they are qualified. Try to re-frame the description from the perspective of the volunteer. What would you want to know before you'd sign up yourself? How would you describe it to a friend?
  • Tell them WHY | Volunteers are motivated by various factors, but it’s always good to let them know why they are giving their time. Assume they don't already know about your organization or the population you serve. Connect the dots for volunteers, especially when they won't interact with those benefiting from their work.
  • Tell them WHEN | Most volunteers want to know something will fit their schedule before they sign up. Under "Time Commitment," include the available hours, as well as how often and for how long. (i.e., "Volunteers commit to helping for 3 hours per week for one year. Available Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM.")
  • Tell them WHO | Checking all appropriate age or special group options (Kids/Teens/Older Adults/Groups) ensures those groups will see your opportunities. For family-friendly opportunities, you can enter the minimum age with supervision under "Minimum Age," then specify a minimum age to volunteer alone under "Requirements."
    (NOTE: United Way gets lots of requests for opportunities for high school and college-aged student volunteer opportunities...especially during school breaks.)
  • DON'T tell them HOW | Our site works best when volunteers click the "SIGN UP" button to get in touch with you, so we ask that you do not add contact information or links in the description. Doing so helps you know where signups are coming from, provides volunteers with a consistent experience and allows us to make sure the website works for everyone.

More volunteer recruitment resources

  • Board Orientation and Leadership Development (BOLD)
    BOLD is great opportunity for new or current board members to learn the skills necessary to become a more effective board member and help lead your organization.
  • Board Connect
    Provides recruitment services to non-profit organizations seeking talented, committed, capable and dedicated individuals to serve on their respective boards or committees.
  • Cincinnati Association for Volunteer Administrators (CAVA)
    CAVA is a networking organization that enables volunteer coordinators to share information and ideas with others and facilitate people to take part in special workshops.
  • Cincinnati Community ToolBank
    The ToolBank offers an inventory of tools (shovels, rakes, drills) to help volunteers get the job done at local nonprofits. For pennies on the dollar, your organization can do more for less.
  • VolunteerMatch Learning Center
    The Learning Center is a library of free webinars and other resources to help you learn how to effectively involve and educate volunteers in the critical work of your organization, as well as igniting their passion for volunteering, so they keep coming back.

For more information, contact:

Volunteer & Community Engagement Team

513-762-7100 | [email protected]

Have more questions? We are happy to help! Call or email the Volunteer & Community Engagement Team.

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