Skyline Image of Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio

Workplace Giving


United Way is extremely grateful to count more than 400 organizations across Greater Cincinnati as proud supporters of our work. Whether it’s through employee giving campaigns, corporate donations, matching programs, grantmaking, sponsorship or volunteerism, these organizations make our community stronger and create a lasting impact.

Employee Campaigns

When workers are able to improve their community by donating, volunteering or advocating, it adds value to employee satisfaction. Studies show employees who feel connected to their community are healthier, happier and more productive. 

United Way campaigns unite employees across your footprint, giving them an opportunity to come together to help build a community all families can be proud to call home.

Fundraising Pro Tips

1 in 3 donors say they'd give a larger gift if a matching gift is applied to their donation.

United Way gamified Impact Experiences increase average giving by 12% and new donor conversion by 10%

Digitized special fundraising activities like raffles and auctions increased revenue by 25% 

One-Week Campaign Timeline Example

Campaign timelines can vary depending on the size of your organization and culture. Corporate best practices recommend a one-week minimum.

Lightbulb Get Company Leadership Buy-In

Getting company leadership buy-in is important when launching a UW Campaign. Leadership can influence the campaign and set an example for others to follow. Securing gifts early from the leadership team and/or a corporate donation can help show employees how strongly the organization supports the campaign.

Pro Tip: Identify someone on your leadership team who is willing to share the reason why they support United Way (examples: a time they volunteered and learned something new; met someone who made a meaningful impact; share a personal story of a time when they needed and received help).

Head with ideas Build & Inspire Your Team

Recruit motivated Engagement Leaders/Campaign Champions who are vocal natural leaders and can also mobilize others to get involved. Engagement Leaders are key in sharing the impact of donations to UWGC and promoting your campaign goals, activities and incentives.

Pro Tip: Don’t do all the work alone! Try having a colleague shadow and support the Engagement Leader -- that way, if the current Engagement Leader rotates off you have someone ready to hit the ground running!

Engagement Leader: Volunteer assigned by the company to lead the fundraising campaign for UW.

Notepad and pencil United Way & Company Planning

Make certain to begin planning your campaign at least six weeks ahead of time for a flawless execution. Schedule a meeting with the UW campaign team, we will help you brainstorm and plan a successful campaign.

Pro Tip:  Attend a Campaign Jumpstart! UW data shows that companies who attend UW’s Campaign Jumpstart and utilize the resources and experiences designed to increase engagement and awareness have higher performing campaigns.

Campaign Jumpstart: UW’s Fundraising volunteer training session that covers best practices, messaging, toolkit and campaign assets.

Rocketship Plan Launch & Campaign Execution

Once you have finalized your campaign details and plan, it’s almost time for launch and execution! First step - send your campaign launch email to everyone in your organization. Secondly, dive into kickoffs and volunteer events aimed to bring awareness, engagement and, ultimately, giving.

Pro Tip: UW has a robust Campaign Toolkit available with campaign recipes that are easy to follow and execute.

Caring hands Plan Wrap-Up, “Thank You!” & Submit Results

Plan your virtual or in-person wrap-up event that will showcase your company’s campaign achievements (financial, participation and volunteer goals).  Remember to recognize key supporters and thank volunteers.

Pro Tip: If you hold a raffle or auction, this is a great time to share results with your team! UW has special fundraising tools to help you collect and automate drawings for your special event funds! Also, make it personal. Share how inspired you have been - every single day of leading your campaign - by the employees’ participation and their commitment to the community!

Small calendar
Host a Leadership Kickoff
Small megaphone
Campaign Launch Email


Small devices
Host a Virtual Kickoff
Small raffle tickets
Launch a Fundraising Event
Small envelope
Campaign Email with Incentives


Host a UW Impact Experience


Small calendar
Host a UW Volunteer Event
Small envelope
Campaign Reminder Email


Small final cut
Wrap-Up & "Thank You"
Small envelope
Finale & Thank You Email


Face-to-face ask for donations and participation!

Campaign Participants Include:

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