An investment in United Way is an investment in your neighbors and your community.

CINCINNATI (August 2024) – Andi is a 54-year-old Navy veteran who became disabled during the Persian Gulf War. She lives on the first floor of an old Mount Auburn apartment building. “It’s just me and my little (service) dog,” a miniature pinscher mix named Skipper.
Last December, with heat rising to the high ceilings of Andi’s apartment, the cost of staying warm soared, too. As winter progressed, her electric bills kept increasing.
The bills were more than Andi could manage. Delinquent notices began arriving.
Andi worried about what would happen to her and Skipper. “I was waking up every morning with panic attacks,” she said. “We were maybe going to lose everything.”
She called United Way 211.
She spoke with a Care Coordinator who said she was eligible for a relief program funded by the city of Cincinnati and administered by United Way. The program primarily assists with utilities and rent. More funding is expected, but the program is not currently available.
In May, Andi learned her past-due bills had been paid. Recounting how she felt almost brought her to tears.
“It was more than a relief,” she said. “(211 Care Coordination) was an absolute miracle. A godsend. You don’t get help like that without assistance from the divine. It was amazing that happened.”
She’s now looking for work and said she’s doing her best to keep current with her electric bill. She also has become an advocate for 211, advising friends in the veteran community to call if they need help.