Moira’s Message: Can you help with tax prep?

You don’t need to be a tax expert to get joy out of this volunteer gig.
Mike Telljohann, Free Tax Prep Volunteer

Volunteer for Free Tax Prep

Help build financial stability for families by helping them prepare and file their taxes virtually or at one of our Free Tax Prep sites.

CINCINNATI, Ohio (October 19, 2021) — 

Dear United Way friends,

After retiring from Procter & Gamble, Mike Telljohann contacted United Way of Greater Cincinnati to learn about volunteer opportunities. Among the suggestions was United Way’s Free Tax Prep, which relies on trained, IRS-certified volunteers to provide eligible taxpayers’ tax preparation and filing services.

Telljohann, who lives in Montgomery, soon will begin his eighth year as a Free Tax Prep volunteer. Initially, it was the desire to put his analytical skills to use that motivated him.

“But the bigger thing is, 99% of the people we do taxes for are just so appreciative,” he said. “They need the income. They’re saving (money) by coming to us, and they know we’re volunteers, that we’re giving our own time.

“I just feel like I get a lot back.”

United Way is grateful for volunteers like Telljohann. Because of the work of 416 volunteers, we served nearly 8,500 households in our Free Tax Prep program in 2020. Those households saved $2 million in tax filing fees while collecting more than $12 million in refunds. The program is crucial because it helps families achieve financial well-being, and it only happens because of volunteers, people like you who step up to help.

We are already recruiting for next year. We have opportunities for everyone regardless of your tax preparation background. We have customer service roles such as greeting or sending appointment reminders or actual tax roles where you would do taxes and provide families certified tax advice.

The only qualifications to be a volunteer are:

  • Personable and friendly
  • Comfortable working with a diverse group of clients
  • Willing to ask questions
  • Comfortable using a computer if preparing taxes
  • Curious about learning new skills
  • Willing to adhere to high ethical standards

I hope you will join this vital effort. We need 400 more Mike Telljohanns to ensure everyone receives the tax help they deserve.


Moira Weir
United Way of Greater Cincinnati


PS: Becoming a volunteer is just one way of supporting United Way. Advocacy is another. We co-hosted a five-part advocacy and lobbying series that wraps up tonight with a virtual forum featuring candidates for Cincinnati City Council. More information is available, along with the registration link. The session is free.

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