What is 211?
211 is an unmatched service designed to connect you to essential community services, a gateway to help. Our certified information and referral specialists are there 24/7, 365 days a year.
CINCINNATI, Ohio (March 1, 2022) —
Dear friends,
I encourage you to read today’s newsletter story about one of our care coordinators, Rickie Holt Jr.
Rickie takes calls at our 211 Helpline, a 24-hour call center that connects callers to needed social services. In Rickie’s case, along with our other care coordinators, he assists Hamilton County residents who have been adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding for that program comes from the federal CARES Act.
The Helpline took 49,000 calls last year. Our entire 211 team is a dedicated group committed to getting help for those in crisis.
As a caller told Rickie: “I’m really frustrated. I’m overwhelmed. I’m trying to stay afloat, trying to work as many hours as I possibly can and take care of my son, but I’m still behind.”
211 serves a valuable purpose in our community. Your support of United Way means there is always someone on the other end of the line when people reach the end of their rope.
“God bless you,” the caller said to Rickie at the end of the call. “I appreciate you doing your job today.”
Moira Weir
United Way of Greater Cincinnati