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CINCINNATI, Ohio (May 17, 2022) —
Dear United Way friends,
We consider our Free Tax Prep program a component of family financial stability. Not only do we ensure families receive the total tax refund they are entitled to, but we also save each approximately $270 in filing fees.
The success of this program relies on volunteers, not only to prepare the tax returns, but to organize and run the tax-prep sites. More than 350 volunteers helped this year! That is amazing.
Because of people like Jeff Kuntz and Annette Tice, we completed 6,591 returns this year, helped families obtain more than $10.7 million in refunds and saved them nearly $1.8 million in preparation fees.
I am extremely thankful to those who give of their time and expertise.
The work is not over. We will offer services this summer for those who still need to file. Those who did not file have until Oct. 17 to complete their tax return. Families with children who did not file or those who did not receive any of the Economic Impact Payments must file to claim those dollars.
Thanks again to all the volunteers who help with this great program!
Moira Weir
United Way of Greater Cincinnati