Project Lift Impact: The Pursuit of Goal-Driven Happiness

A determined mother dreamed of a career to support her family. United Way’s Project Lift helped make it happen.
United Way Donor Profile: Kelly Dehan and Rick Staudigel

Planned giving is an integral part of this couple’s support of United Way.
UWGC’s First-Quarter Advocacy Efforts in Northern Kentucky

Highlights include meetings with legislators, Live United Day and passage of UWGC-supported bills.
Unite for Teen Financial Literacy Day “Brings the Real World into the Classroom”

Over 80 volunteers taught financial basics to all 1,900 seventh-graders in Cincinnati Public Schools.
United Way Donor Profile: Tim Kerdolff – A Stalwart for Northern Kentucky

Tocqueville Society member Tim Kerdolff has an impressive track record of serving on United Way committees, leading campaigns and participating in hands-on volunteer projects.
Moira’s Message: Free Tax Prep Validates United Way’s Work

United Way’s Free Tax Prep service puts millions of dollars back into the community by providing free tax preparation and filing services for people with low-to-moderate incomes.
Taxpayers Place Their Trust in United Way’s Free Tax Prep

Trained, IRS-certified volunteers assisted dozens of taxpayers who recently visited one of United Way’s Free Tax Prep sites. Volunteers ensure taxpayers receive the credits they deserve.
United Way Donor Profile: Jodi Geiser – Making Our Community Better

Tocqueville member Jodi Geiser has always viewed volunteering as a way to improve the community. She’s a longtime board member of the UWGC Foundation and has played a key role in United Way’s Free Tax Prep initiative.
211’s Impact: “A Wonderful Gift” Helped Widow Pay Utility Bill

By calling 211, Sandy Suer became one of the first people to benefit from a new collaboration involving United Way of Greater Cincinnati and Duke Energy to provide support to 1,000 Northern Kentucky households experiencing hardship.
211’s Impact: United Way Helped Father of Two in Time of Need

When illness caused a father to fall behind on bills, a care coordinator for the United Way 211 Helpline offered assistance.
211’s Impact: Homeowner “Back on Track” After United Way’s Help

When her mortgage company began foreclosure proceedings, Mable Allen turned to the United Way 211 Helpline.
United Way Staffer Found “A Perfect Fit” at 211

In January 2023, Jennifer Bieger celebrated her 25th anniversary with United Way, where she is Senior Manager of the United Way 211 Helpline which she describes as “a critical gateway to get people connected to basic needs.”
Moira’s Message: 211 Helpline Reaches the 20-Year Mark

Feb. 11, 2023, marks the 20th anniversary of the launch of the United Way of Greater Cincinnati 211 Helpline. The 211 database contains information about nearly 1,500 agencies and organizations as well as almost 2,900 programs.